Diabetes amongs people 20 years or older

Diagnosed and Undiagnosed Diabetes

Drawing of a bar graph titled Estimated percentage of people ages 20 years or older with diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes, by age group, United States, 2005–2008. The estimated percentage of adults with diabetes was 3.7 percent for ages 20 to 44, 13.7 percent for ages 45 to 64, and 26.9 percent for ages 65 and older.
GroupNumber or percentage who have diabetes
Ages 20 years or older25.6 million, or 11.3 percent, of all people in this age group
Ages 65 years or older10.9 million, or 26.9 percent, of all people in this age group
Men13.0 million, or 11.8 percent, of all men ages 20 years or older
Women12.6 million, or 10.8 percent, of all women ages 20 years or older
Non-Hispanic whites15.7 million, or 10.2 percent, of all non-Hispanic whites ages 20 years or older
Non-Hispanic blacks4.9 million, or 18.7 percent, of all non-Hispanic blacks ages 20 years or older

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