Diabetes - I

Diabetes I

Insulin dependant diabetes mellitus is a condition where the pancreas does not have the capacity to develop enough insulin to meet the requirements of the body. Insulin is one critical compound that is required by the human body to convert the sugars / glucose into energy. This being the case the pancreas is considered as one of the most vital organs of the body.

In a condition where the body cannot assimilate the sugars that are being produced, the sugar level in the body becomes extremely high. This is a condition that is medically termed as hyperglycemia. As this sugar cannot be utilized by the body, it sends it to the kidneys where the kidneys filter it and this is sent down the urine. When the sugars come in the urine, the tests prove that the patient is suffering from diabetics. Rather this is one of the tests that are used to confirm the levels of sugar in the body.

There is no definite age for one to be affected by diabetics. It can strike anybody. But type I diabetics is generally as per the law of averages confined to people younger than thirty years.

As mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, type I diabetics are caused by damage to the pancreas. The pancreas is an organ that is located near the stomach. The pancreas is however not directly responsible for the production of insulin. The pancreas contains the beta cells that are responsible for the production of insulin.

Of all the diabetic cases across the United States, only ten percent of the people have come up with type I diabetics. Though un-common, type I diabetics is severe.

Type I diabetes is known by different names. They are juvenile onset diabetes mellitus, immune-mediated diabetes and ketosis-prone diabetes mellitus. As mentioned earlier, Type I diabetics sets in before one is thirty and the patient will have to carry it throughout his life. As on date, there is no cure for type I diabetics.

Type 1 diabetes affects the immune system of the human body and it eventually destroys the cells that have the insulin producing capacity in the pancreas; the B-islet cells. When this happens, the sugar level in the body increases which otherwise would have been kept in check by the insulin produced by the B-islet cells.

The only way out for the patients suffering from type I diabetics is a controlled diet, well balanced exercise and artificially taking insulin.

Risk factors for developing type I Diabetes
There are certain risk factors that are there for people who are likely to get affected by type 1 diabetics. But this is based on a study on the law of averages. The conclusion drawn states that People of Caucasian descent are more prevalent to type 1 diabetic.

Another chance being if either one of your parents has suffered from type 1 diabetic, then there is a 50-50 chance that you will also suffer from type 1 diabetic.

Presented by http://successgain.us


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