Diabetes - III

Diabetes III

Gestational diabetes is a temporary condition whereby the person suffering from diabetics is having it only during the pregnancy period. This is intolerance towards glucose and needs to be considered safely as this may result in both the mother and the child developing permanent diabetics at a later stage. This type of diabetics (Gestational diabetics) affects almost four percent of all pregnant women

Gestational diabetes is also known as the common diabetic’s mellitus and the treatment for this is the same as that of any normal diabetic case. Glucose levels needs to be checked periodically and insulin shots needs to be taken regularly. In some cases you can control gestational diabetics with just diet and exercise.

Gestational diabetics often disappear after the child is born in most cases.

Risk for Developing Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetics are generally found in women who have one or a multiple of the conditions stated below:

The family of the patient has a history of diabetics.

If the patient had gestational diabetics in a pervious pregnancy, then the chances of the patient suffering from gestational diabetics for the current pregnancy increase.

If there was a birth defect in the child from a previous pregnancy, again the chances would be the mother suffering from gestational diabetic’s increases. The other chance of this being that, if the previous child carried was still born or if there was a spontaneous miscarriage, then the chances of the woman suffering from gestational diabetics is more.

Most obese women suffer from gestational diabetics. Women with a body mass index of more than 29 are likely to suffer from gestational diabetics during pregnancy.

If a women is conceiving above the age of thirty, then the chances of she suffering from gestational diabetics is increased by 20 %.

In case the women has a previous child whose weight at the time of delivery was more than nine pounds, then during the present pregnancy, the lady is likely to suffer from gestational diabetics.

Regions and race also a play a role in women suffering from gestational diabetics. Women from the African – American descent are more likely to suffer form gestational diabetics.

Risk for babies born to mothers with Gestational Diabetes
The babies are also likely to suffer from the problems that the mother had faced during pregnancy. But the changes are just thirty percent of all births for mothers with gestational diabetics. The problems may vary from macrosomia a condition whereby the babies are extra large and fat), Shoulder dystocia and some respiratory diseases. The child may also have the new born jaundice for a longer period than other normal babies; also the calcium levels in the new born baby may be less.

How to Prevent Gestational Diabetes?
Gestational diabetics are not a problem that cannot be kept at bay by most women. All they have to do is, exercise regularly, and have a healthy diet. The diabetic is often self-caused. Women over forty tend to grow fat and be obese. If they have decided to be pregnant, it would be a wise idea to first get in shape with respect to body mass index and then go in for the pregnancy. This ensures that you have a healthy baby. Be careful of what you eat is what the doctors advice and exercise regularly.

How Is Gestational Diabetes Diagnosed?
Gestational diabetes can be successfully identified somewhere after the 24th week. This is the time when the body starts resisting insulin. If the women are under the conditions mentioned above then she should tell her doctor who would check for gestational diabetics.

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